Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorney - Hauppauge, NY

Car Accidents

What Should You Do When You’re the Victim of a Car Accident?

Langella & Langella has a combined 40 years of experience helping hundreds of clients across Long Island to recover from their injuries associated with car accidents. The first and most important thing you should do after a car accident is to seek medical attention, even if you don't think you're injured. Once you've seen a doctor, you need to start thinking about protecting your legal rights by speaking with an experienced personal injury lawyer.

Car Accidents Are a Regular Occurrence on Long Island

The days and weeks following a car accident can be extremely stressful, especially when dealing with injuries. Insurance companies will be calling you, trying to get you to settle your claim quickly and for as little money as possible. It's important to have an experienced personal injury lawyer in your corner, fighting for you.

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Car Accidents - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys
Michael & Lindsay - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys

Experienced Car Accident attorneys On Long Island

Michael and Lindsay will review your case and guide you on how to proceed. To get started, reach out to our team by calling (631) 348-9500 for a free consultation. We will thoroughly investigate and evaluate your case every step of the way.

At Langella & Langella, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll car accidents can take on victims and their families. We'll handle all the paperwork and communications with the insurance companies, so you can focus on getting better.

We're not afraid to take your case to court and have a proven track record of success. Our clients have received thousands of dollars in settlements and verdicts. When you work with us, you can rest assured knowing that we're committed to getting you every penny you deserve.

CALL (631) 348-9500 Call (631) 348-9500 Today→

We'll Stand by You Every Step of the Way

Financial Compensation You Can Receive After a Car Accident

When you're dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, the last thing you want to worry about is whether or not you have a strong case. At Langella & Langella, we offer free initial consultations so you can get answers to your questions and find out if you have a case. We'll review the facts of your accident and let you know what we think.

In many cases, we're able to help our clients recover compensation for:

  • Medical Expenses: You may be able to recover the cost of any medical treatment related to your accident, including hospitalization, surgery, and physical therapy.

  • Lost Wages: If you missed time from work because of your injuries, you might be able to recover those lost wages.

  • Pain & Suffering: This is a type of non-economic damage that compensates you for the physical and emotional anguish caused by your accident.

  • Car repairs or Replacement: If your car was damaged in the accident, you might be able to recover the cost of repairs or replacement.

  • Loss of Consortium: This type of damage compensates a spouse for the loss of companionship and support caused by an injury.

To learn more about the types of compensation, you may be eligible to receive, call (631) 348-9500 to contact Langella & Langella today.

What is the Statute of limitations for Car Accident Cases in New York?

In New York, you have three years from the date of your accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. This may seem like a long time, but it's important to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible after your accident.

Investigating and building a strong car accident case takes time; the sooner you get started, the better. If you wait too long to file a lawsuit, you may be barred from recovering any compensation at all.

Langella & Langella Can Help You Today→

Put Langella & Langella On Your Side

Michael Langella & Lindsay Langella, are experienced attorneys who have a proven track record of success in representing car accident victims. We will secure the best possible financial outcome for your injuries. We understand the nuances of such cases, allowing us to create a defense strategy that can potentially get the most favorable outcome in your case. Therefore, in these accidents, here’s how our firm can help.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

We'll reach out to your loved ones about the losses and property damage involved.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

Contact Langella & Langella's Legal Team Today

Contact Langella & Langella's Legal Team Today

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