Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorney - Hauppauge, NY

Wrongful Death Accidents

Wrongful Death Accidents on Long Island

Langella & Langella has a combined 40 years of experience helping hundreds of clients across Long Island to recover from losing their loved ones in a wrongful death accident. Losing your loved ones isn't easy. And it's even worse when you lose your beloved without the chance to say goodbye one last time.

If someone you loved has died in an accident because someone else was negligent or careless, get in touch with the experienced personal injury attorneys at Langella & Langella. It's your right to file a wrongful death lawsuit and receive monetary compensation for your loss.

What is Wrongful Death?

Wrongful deaths occur when a person dies because of another person's or organization's negligence, wrongful act, or death. In other words, it is a death that results from an accident that could have been avoided.

Since the death results from another person's wrongful actions, negligence, or default, the deceased's family members have the right to sue the responsible person or organization for a wrongful death claim. A wrongful death claim allows family members of the victim to recover fair monetary compensation.

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Wrongful Death Accident - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys
Michael & Lindsay - Langella & Langella | Personal Injury Attorneys

We Offer Free Consultations to Prospective Wrongful Death Clients

When you get in touch with Langella & Langella personal injury attorneys, our team ensures that your legal rights are protected, and you receive the compensation to which you are entitled. We offer free consultation 24/7 to all our prospective wrong death accident clients.

Call us to connect with our team that helps deal with wrongful death accidents in Suffolk County or Nassau County. At Langella & Langella, we offer answers to all your questions and concerns and explain what we can do for you, depending on your case.

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What Situations Can Lead to Wrongful Death Cases?

Wrongful death accidents result when your loved one passes away due to another party’s actions. The other party can include a property owner, a healthcare practitioner, or a product manufacturer.

Langella & Langella takes care of wrongful death cases resulting from the following:

  • Construction site accidents or other workplace-related deaths including death resulting from exposure to toxic materials
  • Road accidents, including car accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, and drunk driving accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Accidents resulting from faulty products
  • Healthcare practitioner errors, malpractice, and deaths resulting from faulty prescriptions
  • Deaths result from negligent security and during a supervised activity such as a sporting event, at school, or at a public pool

Statute of Limitations for Wrongful Death Claims

The loss of your loved one can be devastating, and it may take a long time before you can revert to normal life. However, it's best that you don't let the emotions take over and immediately contact a personal injury attorney to claim your damage.

While you have two years from the date of your loved one's death to file for a wrongful death accident claim, if you don't assert your right to compensation in time, you may not be entitled to any compensation at all.

Contact personal injury attorneys at Langella & Langella for wrongful death accidents in Suffolk County or Nassau County.

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How Langella & Langella Can Help You

Michael Langella & Lindsay Langella, are experienced attorneys who have a proven track record of success in victims of wrongful death accidents. We will secure the best possible financial outcome for your injuries. We understand the nuances of such cases, allowing us to create a defense strategy that can potentially get the most favorable outcome in your case. Therefore, in these accidents, here’s how our firm can help.

We'll reach out to your loved ones for you.

We'll reach out to your loved ones for you.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

We'll reach out to your loved ones for you.

We'll consult any third-party experts who can help support your case.

We'll collect critical evidence pertaining to your case.

To get the most favorable outcome we'll develop a custom strategy for your case.

Contact Langella & Langella's Legal Team Today

Contact Langella & Langella's Legal Team Today

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